Sunday, November 25, 2007

I got this idea from Sandra Wyman's blog. I hope she won't mind that I've lifted her text and reprinted it here, altered slightly for my blog.

Thanks to Marie at for inviting me to participate in Pay it Forward. The idea is the sort of passing on of good things. The first three people to leave a comment on my blog will receive a gift from me of something I have made. I will need to be able to contact you so please email me (my email address is on my profile page). This will be a finished gift and not one of my UFOs!! You may not get the gift next week or next month but I guarantee you will receive it within six months. In return you are required to post the same promise and invite people to participate, on your blog.


Lin said...

Hon -- you don't have to send me a thing -- I just wanted to say how much I'm loving your 2 blogs and your beautiful, beautiful work!

marie-elena said...

OH, my gosh! Your "pay it forward caught my eye" so I decided to peek at your blog. YOU have given me the biggest gift in the world..some amazing INSPIRATION and ideas to try. Your work is so lovely and the ideas are great ! Do you really send the post cards through the US Mail? Your jewlry is beautiful and the buttons are just amazing!THANK YOU so much, I am a newbie with machine felting and have vjust learned so much from your blog!

Maureen said...

I love "Pay it forward" I also love anyone that is a cat lover!(I;m servant to 2 guys died of old age :-(
I love your Fall felted pieces(or as we say downunder Autumn)]The fact that I live in a subtropical zone,means I dont see much of the glorious colours I love.

Sue Seibert said...

I haven't done a pay it forward in quite a while. Love them.