Some have asked about my current cats and so here they are. I'm starting with the youngest and newest (to us) and adding them according to age.
This is Lindy (she was originally named Princess and belonged to a very dysfuntional group of people who lived down the street). She seemed like a large kitten but when we had her spayed we found out she'd already had a litter. It's a long story but we ended up stealing Lindy -- her predecessor was not taken care of, not fed (except by all the neighbors including us) and finally ended up on the road dead at a very young age. Lindy lived with us for months before we realized she belonged down the street. We have since learned that her former "people" are drug dealers (uh oh). We call her "Lucky Lindy" just because she survived long enough to join us but also Houdini because if she gets out on our 12ft deck, she will climb straight up the walls, climb onto the roof, jump off, have her advetures and then be waiting at the front door a short time later. So, she's been grounded until we figure out how to let her be out on the deck without escaping. She has settled down a bit but was one of the most active young cats I've ever had. She is definitely not a lap kitty, loves to ride on my husband's shoulder and be in his office but she will allow us pet her as long as we don't hold her.
(Maybe we should have kept her original name: Princess!) Lindy loves to play with Nick and George but only on her own terms and on her own schedule. Like a lot of black and white cats, including our Muffin, she gets into the most bizarre positions when she sleeps. She keeps us
amused and laughing!