Thursday, October 19, 2006

These gorgeous potholders are made by my friend Janet Serrenho who has taught me to do paper piece (foundation) quilting. This is the method she uses to create the potholders. I have these three on the front of my refrigerator -- for display only -- not to be used! Janet made these featuring Laurel Burch's Jungle Cats fabric and is now making them from LB's horses line of fabric -- they are unbelievable. Hope to scan one of those soon. She sells her creations through the prestigious Kentucky Artisans Center in Berea, Ky.
But if you want to learn more about her quilts or potholders, just contact me.


Lin said...

Honey -- these are gorgeous -- and so YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! Could anyone give a gift more perfect than these for you, dear heart?

Anonymous said...

Lorraine, these are just breath takingly gorgeous!!! You deserve them. I can't wait to see them in person. I should have just dittoed lin. This woman really knows how to create beauty, just like yourself.