Sunday, November 26, 2006

In Nov. I was fortunate to be able to attend Art of the Carolinas in Raleigh, NC and stay with my dear friend Lin (
It was a hectic trip. My DH drove us to Raleigh on Thurs. 11/9 and I attended my first class at 9:00 the next morning. It was Homage to the Box, taught by Betsy Dillard Stroud. We used acryllic paints (some metallics) on heavy weight watercolor paper. It was a fun class and this was my result (nothing like Betsy's and nothing like those around me -- I never seem to do well in classes). First we watched Betsy demo her technique and then we tried it on our own. Betsy did two paintings, using parts of the 2nd to cut up and collage to the first. The class ended before we got that far. I'm not happy with mine so I will probably cut it up for ATCs but will definitely try this technique again. I also finally carved my first stamp. It's stamped on the bottom left and the top, toward the middle -- those magnificent squiggly lines LOL. Betsy has a wonderful new book out which I ordered and just received. It's called "The Artist's Muse" and I hope to use the exercises in it to get a better handle on this process. Like they say, if you can't make it good, make it bright!!! And I did cut it up and use it for cards and ATCs!

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